I am proud to announce that my song, “Enemy in my Scope”, cowritten with Ranger Dave Williams, who the song is written about, won the Gold Award for Best Song in the the Folk Acoustic Category in the Mid Atlantic Songwriting Contest and 3rd place Grand Prize for overall Best Song! I am so blessed to work with such talented people. Totally unsolicited, Steve Pendlebury took the time to make this video about my award winning song, "Enemy in my Scope", who I wrote with Dave Williams, AKA Ranger Dave, the person who the song is about. I have no words Steve. This is remarkable! Thank you for all you do for local music. Thank you also to Kim Shires of Hear Me Roar Studios for an amazing production of this song. And finally thank you to 2 incredibly brilliant musicians, Cherith Yuly on backing vocals and Marcy Cochran on fiddle. Stunning performances! Mack Baily is the brainchild behind Music Therapy of the Rockies. The work he has done with vets is so valuable. Lifesaving. Thank you Mack. https://mackbailey.com/music-therapy-of-the-rockies





Introduced to the guitar at age nine by her father, himself a former singer/songwriter, Michelle Swan has been on a musical path ever since. After studying classical musical and clarinet performance at Towson State University, Michelle entered the Baltimore-Washington music scene in 1990, performing at local open-mics and coffeehouses. Self-reflective and acutely observant, Michelle deftly weaves lyric and note together to create intensely personal songs that tell of sentiments and circumstances familiar to everyone.



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